Monday, November 28, 2011

The New Field with Supposedly Greener Pastures

I have just watched HP & The Deathly Hollow Part II and it was awesome!

I know, it's totally weird that i didn't catch it on the silver screen when it was released many, many months ago. As a true fan of HP, it's actually an embarrassment. As a normal person, I would say it's nothing out of the ordinary. 

Anyways, I am not about to comment or re-live the movie. It so happen that the bd that i bought contains a second disc with special features, interviews and such. I found it interesting that JK Rowling and i have a few things in common. Maybe it's fate that when i was thinking about what to do with my life; i saw this inspiring interview. I think i know what i should do but with any new endeavor, it scares the heck out of me to even take the next step.

Starting new is almost always difficult but i have to be brave for the sake of my own health. Emotional health; that is. 

Taking in the spirit of Maal Hijrah, maybe i should just do it. 

Good luck to me. Here we go!

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