Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We are all Opportunist

I don’t think there’s anything wrong from being an opportunist.

We are all opportunist even in the smallest way. I am, you are, everybody is.

However, I draw an absolute line at cheating, lying and pure deception. One might see it as an opportunity or a gaping advantage that is up for grab.

To each, his/her own.

I came across this scenario earlier this week.

Though the offer was indeed tempting, my conscience got the better of me. I politely declined the invitation of deception. I want to achieve something because I deserve it and not because I had a little ‘advantage’ fanning my way through.

It wasn’t easy – the devil has its way of luring one to such state. Sometimes the devil wins, other times, it might not.

Either way, I doubt that the devil will stop tempting.

Know yourself; know what you want and how you want to look (back) at your life.

You’ll do okay.


purple geek said...

little white lies that gives u an advantage takper la, makcik. just don't tell lies that would have bad repercussion on others, cukup dah....

diana zainal said...

hmmm.. i don't really know what's going on tapi stick to what you think is the right thing to do.. or not to do in this case.