Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Mean Me

Three more hours before I can shut off my pc and leave the office.

I hope I could leave it for good because I am about done dealing with idiots and morons.

I received one particular email from a manager that would literally irritate anyone who reads it.

Being a manager does not mean that you have to be mean, arrogant and ^&*%.

Her email was decorated with CAPITAL LETTERS, bold letters and accompanied by it’s-all-your-fault stench.

Little did she know that it was actually her fault and I have every meeting minutes and documents to prove it – yes!!

I am not a mean person by nature.

If she wants to play hard ball, just bring it on coz she will lose this battle.

She forgot that this is a project and she is reporting TO ME. Her managerial post doesn’t mean a thing in this project.


Just for today, I will be mean to her because I fell like it.

The world is a cruel place. Nothing is fair.

p/s: I’m off to ****** tomorrow. Yey!

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