Frankly, we didn’t expect wonders from the kids. We did not promise them glittering presents if they do well in exams nor would we reprimand them if they don’t. If they do well, it’s a bonus for them. If not, then they know they’ll have to work harder.
As for us, we can only guide them with revisions and tell them to do their best. After that, the rest is up to them.
We know they are still children but it’s never too early to teach them about results and repercussions. One lesson down, a million more to go.
Sometimes I wonder if I have ample time to teach them a thing or two about life. Sometimes I do wonder if I have ever learn a thing or two about life myself. I still feel like I’m learning something new each day. Yesterday I learned that if I keep ordering gift baskets and pay them promptly every time, I stand a chance to be a preferred customer and get free muffins. Kidding, Millie!! Hahahah.
First stop was adik’s class. On the door of his class was the list of all Primary 1 students with their respective exam results and ranks. We ran our fingers through the tiny lines (and names) and found that adik scored A for every subject except for a B in BM Comprehension and C in Arts and Drawings. Not bad for a boy who couldn’t sit still for long!
Not only that – he ranked at number 5 in his class and the whole of Primary 1 and scored the highest marks in Science!
Maybe we did teach him something after all. We are not crappy parents – yey!
Next stop – Primary 2.
A long queue and sun has started to shine brightly. We had to stand outside the class. It all seemed familiar. Oh maybe that was Deli, back in school – standing outside the class for being mischievous. Heheh.
We couldn’t find the Primary 2 exam listing on the classroom door. Deli walked for a bit and came back grinning from ear to ear.
Imagine our surprise when kakak ranked at number 3 in her class and the whole of Primary 2!
It was a shock to me because this girl spent more time reading Tin-Tin Adventure books than her school books during exam week!
I am not complaining – definitely not. Surprised was more like it. She scored all As and 2 Bs. And while all the kids were skimming through story books and jesting during the session – she was squinting her eyes and scratching her head, trying to find the answers to the exercise her teacher had assigned (to keep the kids occupied) for the day.
How can I not be proud of her? Which parent will not be proud to have a girl this smart? You tell me.
We took them to Splendid for lunch on Sunday. A treat to the kids for doing so well and for the parents for having such great kids.
Sometimes when you are cool about it, you get more in return. Congrats to both of them and you guys as great parents. Stay as cool parents!
Btw, where is this Splendid, huh?
yep... they do make u really proud eh arn.... congrates!
Miss S,
I hated it when my parents forced me to study (i was a lazy ass, no doubt and it did me good). I just don't want the same for my kids.. they have to know that they are responsible for their actions.. and that getting bad grades doesn't mean that they have failed.. the only thing that i tell them is that we will be very dissapointed if they don't try their best.. i hope it will work in the long run.. hehehe
so far so good.. alhamdulillah.. just hope that the trick works for a long, long time.. hehehe...
I've always admire both of you, especially the way you teach your kids about responsibility and the consequences for being an irresponsible person. Still remember when Akak was 5 and adik was 4, akak loaded the laundry by herself & adik did his own dishes. Remarkable! Time flies and it has been quite sometime since the last time I met akak and adik. Know what! I need to 'berguru' with you on ways to train your kids. I think rizal is better than me when dealing with naeem. I usually be the last person to comfort naeem by nursing him . Bravo to both akak and adik!!
thanks :).. we try to teach them as much as we can but everything else is up to them. The best thing is to hope and pray that they will become good people. Sometimes even the best parents fail to raise good kids.. You can never tell what they will become when they grow older.
As for my kids, they are not perfect but that's what make them so special. I hope Naeem will do you proud too.
Congrats to both of your kids..and u & hubby too! I also try to adopt the "do not force kids too much" method, but my standard 1 son has yet to excel in studies..but really good in arts so at the moment i'm letting it go with the flow..oh and on the gift baskets..who knows..maybe after i finish confinement there might be something in store for you..
don't worry about it.. some are just late bloomers. The important thing is that we support them and not pressure them too much. We do not want our kids to be one of those who commit suicide for not getting good grades in UPSR now, do we!! Such scary thoughts!!
u one lucky mummy :) i'm proud of kakak and adik too...
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