Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lily Digs David

I was on YouTube earlier today, looking for songs to add to my playlist.
As usual, I had the air-cond on while surfing in my room and as usual, the furballs would litter my bed, napping or simply lounging while the cool air rippled their coats.

I searched for David Archuleta's songs and watched 'A Little Too Not Over You' when Lily stood up and slumped in front of my laptop. Oh sorry, on my laptop.

I initially thought he (yes - Lily's a boy) was looking for a bit of warmth, you know - from the cool air-cond. Took a closer look and saw that he was wide awake, staring at the eye-candy himself!

When I played 'Crush' Lily inched a little bit closer to the monitor. Seriously!
Oh-ho! Lily's apparently into David Archuleta!


diana zainal said...

so.. HIS name is Lily and He likes boys???? what is the world coming to?

The Star Gazer said...

hahah.. tell me about it... i think all my (cat) boys are gay...