Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lily Vanilli

It is my great pleasure to introduce you to our newest family member we adopted last Saturday. Thanks to Cerz and her mom (I think) at Hartamas Shopping Center.

As usual, kakak made a scene and we adopted the kitten of HER choice and (she) named it LILY. In fact, she named it even before we decided to adopt the kitty.

Lily’s a very sweet little girl and an absolute darling to us all (minus the scratches).

I will post more picture some other day.

I am really busy at the moment - managing a HR project and a possible enhancement project subsequently.

As far as the transfer is concern, I have given up hope. I no longer care if I move or not. My focus now is to deliver this project and charm those people with my wits and knowledge. Hahah. As if.

1 comment:

Leymah Giggs said...

kakak dan kuasa veto.. hehehe. can't wait to see Lily :D