Monday, July 14, 2008

Missing A Tooth

The little girl is losing one of her teeth. It refuses to leave the gum it's been residing on for yonks now. She tried pushing and pulling it but it's too stubborn.

Very much like the owner, I would say.

So today, I had to chauffer her to the dentist. One swift pull and it's out. Just like that.

Teeth still intact

At the dental clinic. She's extremely happy when the dentist recommended ICE CREAM and more ice cream!

Her new look.


PerantauSepi1306 said...

hmmmm kakak lagi berani dari aiman lah cenggini... aiman ari tu pun kes yang sama, tapi nangis macamla nak kena operate gigi tu.. ish, ish... ;D

The Star Gazer said...

Hihi... drama sungguh tau incik Aiman kita nih...

Anak2 ku agak pelik sikit sebab amat obses dgn dentist, berus gigi dan ubat gigi... sebulan sekali tukar berus gigi.. ubat gigi takyah cakap ler.. bermacam2 flavor... bengkok mak bapak dia... lepas nih suruh diaorg berus gigi pakai sabut kelapa jer la.. jimat sket... hihihi..