Thursday, July 28, 2005

When's Friday?

My apologies to M for spoiling her reading pleasure. She's not done reading Harry Potter when she read my previous entry - which kinda give away the ending. Sorry M!

Then again, it was intentional! Heheh.


anedra said...

when i read yr previous entry, i was cursing u already!! what a giveaway on the ending! I was just thinking of getting myself the book..but now..tak payah lah. spoil betul! ;p

The Star Gazer said...

Anedra, ye ke? hehehhe.... ampun dan mahap makcik!!

You hv to read the book! The ending mmg unexpected. I'm reading it again.. soon!

Anonymous said...

Yea.. sungguh kurang sopan.. Terkejut beruk mak!

The Star Gazer said...

terkejut beruk takper. Jangan jadi beruk terus!Ahaks!