Saturday, February 26, 2005

One Hazy Saturday

This is bad. Normally, i'll be able to see Balai Felda from my cubicle but that's not the case for these past few days. Especially today. This is one hazy day!

I have a lot of things to blog about Bossy Boss but i chose not to. Why? Well, let's just say that someone helped me to see things differently. That the changes and improvements that i plan to embark on are totally for my own good. That i am capable of being the person that Bossy Boss claims i am not or ever will be. I will become that person even if i am no longer in this company. I will prove him wrong.

On a lighter note, Uncle Sam has shown great interest in my monthly entertainment magazines. He was commenting on a piece that shows engagement pictures of a celebrity. Well actually, a rather big-sized celebrity who's engaged to a good looking girl. Uncle Sam was totally against the idea. His ideal couple would be those of the same size and figures. As in, birds of the same feathers flock together. A typical male opinion. I would say, for some females too. The difference is how you voice it out. It's either, 'Euwwww.. this is such a mismatched couple' or 'He/She must be filthy rich' or 'She/he could do better'. A smaller flock will have nothing to say at all - fearing they'd have to eat their words. Oh well.

Really looking forward to spending the weekend with Deli and the kids. We'll just 'lepak' at home. Thinking of buying some cd's or dvd's and stay glued to the telly till Sunday ends.

We're spending the next weekend in Kuantan. A mini-vacation with Deli's colleagues.

March 6th 2005 will be our 6th wedding anniversary. I have a surprise for him but i won't mention it here coz Deli reads this blog. Just wait la, okay dear? Hehehe....

Kakak's verson of Kylie's I Believe In You
Kylie: Coz iiii... believe in you
Kakak: Coz iiii... winnie-the-pooh

We were trying very hard not to laugh. At least not loudly. She hardly noticed that we were laughing at her coz she kept on singing with Kylie. Adorable!


Sharina Maamor said...

tahan sakit tekak je la trying to control my laughter reading kakak punya kylie's version. ahahahaha..

The Star Gazer said...

Tuh la dia.. heheh... sungguh kelakar!