Friday, November 30, 2007

Shame on You, Thief!

I am really pissed.

Earlier this morning I bought 3 magazines from the friendly macha at the foyer. I bought Malaysian Women’s Weekly, Anjung Seri and URTV featuring Zac Efron and that Gabriella girl from High School Musical.

When I got in the office, I sent out an email to my colleagues and told them that I have been missing a couple of magazines from my desk. I don’t really mind if they borrowed it. I just need to know who so I can get them back. I have not finished reading some of them.

Today’s a busy day for me with meetings, department lunch and stuff. I was away from my desk for a great deal of hours.

I was doing a little bit of spring cleaning a couple of minutes ago when I noticed that my URTV was gone.

Gone. Kapish.

I looked high and low for it and asked around but nobody has seen it. It’s a rather large magazine so I couldn’t misplace it. Besides, I’ve looked in every drawer, shelf and even under my desk.

It’s gone.

I know it’s cheap. It’s only $3.50 but it’s MINE and I have not read it.
I know I’m being dramatic but hey, I have a drama queen for a friend!

The strange thing is that I still have the rest of my other magazines – Malaysian Women’s Weekly, Anjung Seri and Australian Women’s Weekly.

It’s always URTV. Why?




Anonymous said...

some really young person who's in love with zac efron kot? hehehe
makcik, next time better lock ur mags in the drawer....

Leymah Giggs said...

must be some reporters from other magazines.. hahahahaha

TheGreenLover said...

ouch! hehehe